24 Oct Need High Quality Hot Mix Asphalt All Winter?
Pavement Recycler’s had the privilege of being featured as the a cover article of Allied Paving Magazine in November 2016. The full article can be found here.
Not so long ago, off-season projects such as utility installations, street and parking lot repair and projects requiring quality hot mix had to wait until asphalt plants opened in the spring. However, now, hot in place paving can occur all winter long! Towns, municipalities and construction companies can leverage Bagela Asphalt Recyclers all year long.
Pavement Recyclers is the exclusive distributor of Bagela Asphalt Recyclers in the U.S. and Caribbean. Now, numerous contractors around the country can produce hot mix on demand because year-round hot in place paving is a reality with a Bagela recycler. Over the years, more and more contractors in North American are getting on board and their stories are basically the same – success stories keep pouring in!
Now may be the best time to get on board yourself. Let’s face it – it’s crunch time. We all know that fall turns into winter quickly and the projects never end, so an asphalt recycler helps towns and companies wrap up their projects. Additionally, with a Bagela Asphalt Recycler, now many projects can be started during the colder month because you now have access to the necessary quantities of hot mix asphalt!
Well, in case you didn’t know, this is the exact reason the Bagela Asphalt Recycler was designed and built in the first place!
There is no “Walmart for asphalt.”
Gone are the days when large tonnage jobs can be really profitable. When a bid goes out, every responder responds with almost identical time and material costs. With material and labor costs essentially the same as other bidders how does one win new jobs?
Usually by cutting into margin.
No surprise here, but what if you could “create your own destiny” by controlling your material costs? If so, and you could reduce your material costs, would you win more jobs and grow your business? Now, you have access to hot mix asphalt, when and where you need it! Plus, with an asphalt recycler (such as the Bagela) you can obtain your raw materials at a fraction of unreliable cold patch prices.
Additionally, it doesn’t not take huge amounts of material for the unit economics to make complete sense because there are true economies of scale relying on recycled asphalt. For example, the Bagela recycler produces up to 10 tons per hour or more , which you have immediately at your disposal. Smaller, direct-fire unites and hotboxes just cannot recycle enough quality material for the quantities needed in the field.
Separately, forget the material cost differential for a moment and focus on the labor costs involved in a cold patch program. You’ll need to send a truck and driver(s) to a plant, stockpile it back at the yard and then babysit the patch all winter long. Every freeze-thaw means inspecting the patch, which must stay in place until hot mix asphalt is available. Sound familiar? If you work in the winter, I’m sure it does.
Now, take into account material tear-off, dumping and/or stockpiling and haul-away costs and you can get a much clearer, more accurate bottom line cost for that “profit-able” winter work done the traditional way.
Finally, factor in the use of high quality hot mix recycled using a Bagela Asphalt Recycler. Now, your team only needs one trip to the yard to drop off the tear-offs and one trip back to the job with quality hot mix asphalt to fill the project. Additionally, the material stays all winter, and in many circumstances, the material is simply milled down just enough so that the only plant topcoat is used in the spring.
Hot mix asphalt from Pavement Recyclers and the Bagela Asphalt Recycler has a total cost of about $20 per ton. Conversely, cold patch asphalt costs over $100 per ton in most parts of the country. However, the real cost savings outlined above only further supports what so many very successful contractors have already figured out – using quality recycled hot mix asphalt for hot in place paving from a Bagela Asphalt Recycler is truly the only road to more profits, especially during the off season.
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