01 Aug Asphalt Recycling Equipment Powers Green Business Award
Pavement Recyclers offers asphalt recycling equipment designed with good (and green) intentions. Founded by Greg Harla, Alan Thompson and Dave Brennan, the company aims to improve the environment through asphalt recyclers. As their mission states:
Create new, recycled product by using all of the original resources and little or no harmful emissions.
Why sell asphalt recycling equipment to execute their green mission?
Harla, the director of sales and marketing, explains the process and how Pavement Recyclers executes on its environmental mission.
“Basically what our equipment does is take a 100-percent recyclable resource and recycles 100 percent of it into quality reusable asphalt. But here’s the kicker: The recycling process is far greener than that of comparable brands, with next to no petroleum burn-off.”
Harla, along with Technical Director Alan Thompson and Managing Partner Dave Brennan established the company based on a variety of previous experience. For example, Harla has previous professional experience in a number of fields, such as real estate and telecommunications. Additionally, he delivers in his sales and marketing role with help from his MBA in marketing from Sacred Heart University, along with a general interest in the recycling industry. On the other hand, Brennan comes from a family deeply integrated in the construction business. As a result, the founders pull from their varied roles to deliver on their mission.
So, how did the trio end up in the recycled asphalt world. While looking at options, the team examined the industry and found the Bagela Asphalt Recycler. Harla become convinced that this specific piece of asphalt recycling equipment was the right product. Prior to that point, Harla proclaimed, “I didn’t know the product even existed. When I researched it and I saw it, I said, ‘This thing’s incredible.’ The piece of equipment is fantastic.”
How do the asphalt recycling equipment achieve an efficient and environmentally friendly process?
Simple, Bagela Asphalt Recyclers is able to 100% re-use all materials, along with the recycler does not emit pollutants during the conversion process. As Harla describes the underlying product.
“Asphalt is one of the few commodities with which you’re able to do that. With tires and glass there’s always some sort of by-product. Asphalt is 100-percent recyclable.”
How does Pavement Recyclers execute its mission?
As a company that sells asphalt recycling equipment, and specifically, the Bagela product line, Harla and the team saw a potential to grow sales within the industry. After all, the company needs to get the recyclers in use in order to help reduce emissions. And the team has executed its mission (along with selling the Bagela recyclers). Currently, the company’s customer base is about a 50-50 split between private contractors and municipalities. For example, the state of Connecticut is among its clients, along with other states, such as Kansas and Texas.
Harla explains the execution with a simple concept. Educate and inform. As he describes the process, “My job is to promote the concept along with the equipment. It’s more about educating the markets that this technology is available. And not only is it available, we sell it.”
Plus, although the green manufacturing and production movement maintains its momentum, this method of asphalt recycling remains fairly novel. However, as Harla and team spread the word and educate municipalities and the private sector via trade shows, industry publication and other outlets, the functions and opportunities resonate with potential customers.
Danbury, CT contractor Bill Stanley Sr., shares why they were sold on the mission.
“Recycling asphalt is going to give us the ability to produce product when we need it, giving us independence from the asphalt plant’s production schedule.”
For more on Pavement Recyclers and the Bagela asphalt recycling equipment, contact the team today or read more about them here.
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